Now Hiring Home Visitors in Newton & Jasper Counties!
About Us
Mental Health America of Northwest Indiana has served the community since 1957 with a unique focus on early intervention and prevention. We believe positive mental health can be achieved by removing barriers limiting a person’s full potential, including biological, psychological, and environmental factors that reduce function, endanger children, inhibit development, and inflict trauma, negatively impacting lifelong health and wellbeing.
Much of our work is done in homes with parents and children to educate, empower, and strengthen family functioning. We help parents build protective factors in the home that help mitigate the risks associated with Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) which are proven to negatively impact mental health & wellbeing at the core. We also provide programs for adults living with mental illness or challenges, work with NWI employers to ensure mentally healthy work environments and serve and advocate for people of all ages living with mental illness.
The common thread tying all of our programs together is a shared vision of resilient individuals and families; happy and healthy children; and a foundation in evidence-based program and curriculum models. Delivering on each promise we make is a dedicated team of professionals, each with lived experience and a passion for our mission:
To transform our community through proven programs that educate, empower, and strengthen the way individuals and families function for life.
How We Can Help
Our degreed professionals provide free programs and services in homes, group settings, and schools to prevent adverse childhood experiences, reduce infant mortality, and build strong families through early childhood development and parent education. We also support those experiencing emotional challenges and those living with a mental disability through advocacy, education, and referral.


Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood to adolescence to adulthood. MHANWI offers support, advocacy, and referral for adults experiencing emotional challenges or those living with a mental health diagnosis. We also offer a wide array of preventative programs for parents and children beginning at the very early stages of life, including prenatal and early childhood support.

Children & Adolescents
The first five years of a child’s life are critical for setting the foundation for lifelong health, learning, and success. Childhood experiences, both positive and negative, have a significant impact on lifelong health and well-being. MHANWI offers a wide array of programs and services that educate, support and nurture children and adolescents, giving them the best chance for positive mental health and well-being.
Become a Champion of our Mission
Fall in love with the mission of MHANWI and help transform our community through your donation today. To learn about specific ways you can support Northwest Indiana families & children, click on the link below.